for wood and multifuel stove installation, servicing and repair


Project Showcase

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Old multifuel stove replaced by new Franco-Belge Montfort with new chimney lining after brickwork repairs by Fotheringhay Woodburners

Our client is looking to replace this old stove in their property near Huntingdon with a more efficient Franco-Belge Montfort and the chimney is in a bit of a state too needing repairs to the masonry and a chimney liner.

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New fireplace built and a Charnwood Country 4 multifuel stove installed

The fireplace in this lovely Victorian cottage near St. Neots must go! Our client wanted a fireplace more fitting in this cottage so we altered the fireplace before erecting scaffolding to line the old chimney and fitting a new Charnwood Country 4 stove.

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Scan DSA7 inset woodburning stove installation after fireplace alterations

The 1980's marble fireplace in this house near Peterborough was replaced with a contemporary glass fronted Scan DSA 7 cassette fire. Our builder built the fireplace which was designed in consultation with our clients.

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No chimney? Wooden walls? New 5kW stove installed with granite hearth and stainless steel chimney

So you don't live in a house! You want to put a stove in a park home which is made of wood, glulam and other combustible materials? Our clients near Peterborough chose a Stovax Stockton 5 midline stove to go into this park home which would need a chimney and a lot of extra clearance to make it safe with the building made mainly from combustible materials.

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Upgrade old stove and potentially unsafe installation with new Scan Anderson convector and chimney liner

Having recently purchased this house near Stamford our clients were in the process of some refurbishment works and called us to inspect the stove. It was an old property with no lining in the chimney and a very old stove. The project involved replacing the stove with a new more modern Scan-Anderson 4-5, repairing the external chimney masonry and installing a lining as the old chimney was not suitable for a stove.

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